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There tends to be negative associations with being a Deviator and it’s about time for a rebrand. Breaking the mold can be challenging and scary - it takes a substantial amount of bravery to even consider deviating from a traditional path, let alone actually breaking from it. The ultimate goal with Unedcuate Me is to tell the story of those who have said to hell with the traditional path, I am reclaiming how my success is defined and will achieve it in my own way in my own time. I am committed to highlighting stories of Deviators to empower others to embrace deviation.

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To say I am stoked to amplify incredible stories of those who have paved their own nontraditional path to success is an understatement. If you are excited too, hit the subscribe button below!

Serving my community of Deviators in the way they want to be served is mission critical for me. I want to hear who YOU want to hear from - if you have recommendations on guests for the show, always feel free to give me a shout! Let’s redefine success together.

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The people's advocate. Recovering Recruiter. Host of Uneducate Me.